April 30, 2022, 7:30 p.m
The nine muses
inspiration of the artist
Dorothea Schmidt
Location: Logenhaus, Moorweidenstr. 36, D-20146 Hamburg
admission free
“You hillbillies! Shameful shepherd pack – nothing but bellies: We know how to spread a lot of lies, credibly true, but we also know how to let the truth ring out when we want!” With these words the Muses approached the legendary poet of the ancient Greek epic Hesiod as his Herding sheep at the foot of Mount Helikon. As daughters of the all-father Zeus and Mnemosyne, the goddess of world memory, they call on him to build a bridge to the spiritual world, because that is their eternal desire: to sing of the gods and in their function as helpers, mediators and messengers to the poets and to breathe divine inspiration into artists of this world.
Location: Logenhaus, Moorweidenstr. 36, D-20146 Hamburg
Cost: Donations at your own discretion